The stained glass were drawn at the Academy of Fine Arts, and their windows were imported from England.
Neve Şalom Synagogue
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Every Jewish boy who turns 13 is considered to have the same rights with adults. In other words, he becomes a ‘bar mitzvah’. A Jewish boy who became a bar mitzvah is responsible...
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Every Jewish girl who turns 12, is considered responsible for her own behaviors. This period considered as the transition to adulthood is celebrated with a Bat Mitzvah ceremony...
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The word Selichot is the plural of the word Seliha meaning ‘amnesty’, ‘forgiveness’ or ‘appeal’, and are prayers of pleading for God’s forgiveness,. Approaching the Days of Awe...
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Celebrated to remember the Israelites who lived in the desert, in hunger after being liberated from the Egyptian enslavement, Sukkot begins on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei...
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Since 2003, the Turkish Jewish Community has been hosting iftar meals for large crowds including politicians, businessmen and media representatives at the Neve Shalom Synagogue...
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We continue to get together on the traditional Hanukkah (Feast of Lights) concerts and celebrations...
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According to the Torah, for an impure soul or body to regain its ritual purity, the whole body should be immersed in a natural water source...
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Night Words: A Midrash on the Holocaust” was first staged at the Neve Shalom Synagogue in 2008, under the presidency of Jojo Nassi, with the participation of Linda Olmertin...
Sunday – Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday between 10.00 – 17.00 • Friday between 10.00 – 13.00
Officially issued identity card or a passport is necessary.
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Graphic design: Robert Zilberman
We are here to support and serve you in all your requests for weekly, monthly, yearly memorial services.
נר זיכרון
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Read MoreAccording to Jewish tradition, marriage is the most ideal condition for human beings, as well as the first social institution whose rules were determined by God. In Sephardic societies, the...Wedding CeremonyRead MoreNight Words: A Midrash on the Holocaust” was first staged at the Neve Shalom Synagogue in 2008, under the presidency of Jojo Nassi, with the participation of Linda Olmertin...Shoah CommemorationRead MorePidyon Haben CeremonyAccording to the ancient traditions, the first son of a family is dedicated to the service of God in a sanctuary. Then the Lord said to Moses: “When God brings you into the land of the Canaanites...Read MoreCircumcision CeremonyThen God said to Abraham: “This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your...Read MoreEvery Jewish boy who turns 13 is considered to have the same rights with adults. In other words, he becomes a ‘bar mitzvah’. A Jewish boy who became a bar mitzvah is responsible...Tefillin/Bar MitzvaRead MoreVijola CeremonyThe naming ceremony for newborn girls (Zeved Ha Bat, aka Vijola) in the Sephardic Jewish tradition is celebrated with a special ceremony in a synagogue within a month after birth...Read MoreThe word Selichot is the plural of the word Seliha meaning ‘amnesty’, ‘forgiveness’ or ‘appeal’, and are prayers of pleading for God’s forgiveness,. Approaching the Days of Awe...Selichot PrayersRead MoreEvery Jewish girl who turns 12, is considered responsible for her own behaviors. This period considered as the transition to adulthood is celebrated with a Bat Mitzvah ceremony...Bat Mitzva CeremonyRead MoreSince 2003, the Turkish Jewish Community has been hosting iftar meals for large crowds including politicians, businessmen and media representatives at the Neve Shalom Synagogue...Iftar MealsRead MoreCelebrated to remember the Israelites who lived in the desert, in hunger after being liberated from the Egyptian enslavement, Sukkot begins on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei...Sukkot PrayersRead MoreAccording to the Torah, for an impure soul or body to regain its ritual purity, the whole body should be immersed in a natural water source...Tevilah - MikvehRead MoreWe continue to get together on the traditional Hanukkah (Feast of Lights) concerts and celebrations...Hanukkah Celebrations